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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

David & Katelyn

This is my nephew & namesake David with his girlfriend Katelyn. Aren't they great?!?! We had a lot of fun in the studio the other day. They were both really relaxed and have a great sense of humor and that always makes the photographer's job easier. These are my favorites from the shoot. I hope you like them.
All for now,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Prices

Hello again,
Some big changes happening right now! I have all new prices for any type of portrait. You will have a hard time beating these rates. And that's the bottom line isn't it? Great pictures for a great price? Many photographers try to intrigue you with stories of their childhood and the age at which they began taking photographs, or about the emotional and spiritual connection they feel with the camera. I find it disconcerting that so many of them feel that they need to verbally describe the visual medium they work in, especially when what they're describing has nothing to do with the bottom line. I try to let my photographs speak for themselves. I simply encourage you to look at my portfolio. You'll find that I shoot original, intimate portraits for a price that's lower than the competition's. You don't need to be bothered with why I picked up a camera, all you are interested in is that you like the picture I took when I did. Right?
All for now.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Self Portraits

I find myself in the studio alone at any given moment with an idea for a shot or wanting to experiment in a certain way with light and don't have time to get a friend or a model to sit for me so sometimes I just shoot myself. Sometimes its late at night when I decide that I want to shoot some more and I don't have any other options.

Open House 2.12.10

Thank you so much to everyone who came out for the Pictures and Pearls open house on Friday night. My cousin Courtney from CJB Cape Cod ( and I both had a fantastic time and appreciate everyone's support. If you haven't seen Courtney's jewelery please visit her website, everything she makes is absolutely beautiful. These are a few shots from the night.
All for now!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Marcia the Model

This is my friend Marcia. Isn't she great?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Madison Govoni 2.2.10

Maddie is adorable. She's my friend Erin's daughter and we always have a great time when she sits for me. I wanted to take some shots of her that are both intimate black and white as well as cute portrayals of a girl her age.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My New Blog!

Welcome to my new blog! Postings to come soon. I hope you like it.